July 30, 2013

Dead Suspect - New Life EP

Well I said I'd be back with Dead Suspect's first EP. The only bad news is that it came out shortly after my post about 3 months ago, and I missed it. I am sorry. It's unfortunate that I've missed out on 3 months of blasting this stellar 7 track EP.
It has a lot of dirty, ear drum crushing bass to offer, yet has plenty of melodic beauty to balance everything out. I honestly don't know which track is my favorite.
And in case you missed my first post about Dead Suspect, let me state again...this talented producer is ONLY 14!  What a stud.

Watch out for this guy, cause I only see great things in the future from DS.


[Updated 7/31/13 --- Sorry guys, looks like DS took down some of his tracks. I've posted the 3 songs from the EP that he does have online, along with 2 new tracks he just posted.]

From New Life EP:

New tracks:

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